
Recentapps registry forensics
Recentapps registry forensics

recentapps registry forensics

There are a lot of tools to view registry files. However, we found the presence of NTUSER.DAT in the system.


However, Sysmon is not enabled in any system by default and when we analyzed the event logs, we did not find any trace of Sysmon as well. 1 0 Windows Registry Analysis The Windows registry contains information about recently received files and significant information about user actions.

recentapps registry forensics

Well, we normally know that Sysmon records the events of process creation. So we have to find what processes were run when the USB was loaded. Question 1: Among the exe files, there are several files executed on the same USB. We observe that only very few directories are present and our objective is to find the answer to the following questions so that we can combine them to get the flag. So let us go ahead and load the file in FTK Imager. The top-level key, called RecentApps, contained links to several applications and files that were available on the system. So he decided to write a blog Registry Key RecentApps. From the extension, It was quite clear that the evidence was acquired via Access Data’s FTK Imager. Jason ran into a hierarchy of keys / subkeys of the registry, which intrigued him. the RAM memory, windows registry, dedicated folder of the game in the system. The challenge file can be downloaded from Google Drive. guidance to forensics experts in the analysis of any other on-line games. Solved by: stuxn3t & g4rud4 Challenge Description Extracting and parsing AmCache to find the hash of process images.

recentapps registry forensics

  • Digging into windows registry to find process run counts.

  • Recentapps registry forensics