
Google maps distance
Google maps distance

google maps distance

But, that doesn’t mean you cannot measure the distance between your place and the destination, through that route. Unless the routes are mapped on Google Maps, you can’t find the travelling distance, as well. But still, if you know those small shortcuts, there is no reason to ditch that route.

google maps distance

Not just that, we all discover hundreds of shortcuts to visit our favourite places, which Google Maps might not know about, or Google just doesn’t want to show it to you, if the place isn’t meant for handling heavy traffic, or isn’t suitable for the majority. But, what if we still want to measure the distance between two points that cannot be shown by Google’s navigation. Google Maps might not know where exactly your department is, and how far is the library, from your department. For example, you have joined a new university, where the land is spread across a few acres. But, at times, we might need to search for places, or places within places, which isn’t available Google Maps. From finding our destinations to interesting places, and eateries, you can find that all on Google Maps.

google maps distance

We all have used Google Maps at least once in our life after reaching a new place to find the directions, in the most convenient way yet. You can calculate the distance between points, for example, the length of your classroom and library or home using Google map on a web browser or mobile app.

Google maps distance